24 Signs That You Lack the Confidence of an Entrepreneur

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Others won’t believe in you until you do. Do any (or all) of these confidence-crushing tendencies describe you? It’s never too late to change.

Confidence is at the core of success. It’s natural for confidence to ebb and flow, but when an entrepreneur gets stuck in a loop of negative thinking and action, they become their own greatest block to success.

As a business coach, I often work with entrepreneurs who can’t get ahead or stall out short of their vision. Don’t worry, if you identify with these patterns you’ve just found the reason for many of your problems and you have the power to change. Focus on your self-growth by tuning into helpful podcasts, reading books on leadership and positive mindset, and consider therapy and coaching. You’ll be amazed by the rapid growth in your business once you own your worth and ability to succeed.

You may be lacking in confidence when you:

Don’t charge enough.

Price your products and services too low, and you will lose business. If raising your rates makes you nervous, then inch them up slowly. Know your worth.

Apologize for everything.

“I'm so sorry to bother you.” As they say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  No need to be obnoxious, but confident and assertive behavior is more likely to get you what you want.

Over-explain or justify things.

Get to the point. If the other party wants a further explanation, they will ask for it. If you over-explain things, it generally means that you don't believe in what you are offering or what you're charging.

Don't handle objections well.

If someone you consider an ideal client can't (won't) afford your offerings, it's likely because they haven't come to grips with what their problem costs them. Ask the right questions and rephrase their answers to help them see the full picture.

Don't stay the path.

Entrepreneurs who don't believe in themselves reach for ideas that don't align with their core offerings and vision. Don't get distracted; go back to your plan and take action on the goals that make sense.

Are afraid to pivot.

If there is no market for it, you can't sell it. Be open to the signs, and don't give up. Have the confidence to make changes to your product and plan if you have concrete evidence that it won't work as it is.

Overcomplicate things.

The best plans are the simple ones; you can add the intricacies as you go and only when necessary.

Fear confrontation.

If you expect a conversation to become confrontational, then it will. A confident entrepreneur will have difficult discussions because they know when something or someone is holding them back.

Believe the negative chatter in your head.

We all have a reel of negative messages in our heads, and it gets loud when we're out of our comfort zone. Ignore them. Those nagging voices are nothing more than your amygdala doing its job of trying to keep you safe from the things you fear.

Dismiss compliments.

People don't usually dish out compliments only to be kind. Add every pat on the back to your arsenal of tools that boost your confidence.

Write your achievements off as easy; anyone can do it.

Your natural abilities and the experience you have in your field can make things seem easy and uncomplicated to you. Your ideal client can't do what you do; see it from their perspective.

Won't ask for help.

Successful entrepreneurs don't do it alone. Mentors, coaches, helpful friends and family, and employees are all a part of the package that leads to success.

Can’t admit to your mistakes.

Some of the most valuable information lies within our mistakes and failures. Learn from them rather than deny them.

Won't challenge others.

Even the most brilliant people don't see the full picture every time. If your clients, or anyone else, is being short cited, politely offer another viewpoint.

Won't invest in yourself.

I've met too many entrepreneurs who lose money because they don't spend money. Software and proper tools, education and personal growth investments, marketing collateral, and employees or freelancers all have incredible value. If you believe in yourself, then plan for these investments.

Look outward for approval.

Affirmation and approval are nice but consider them the cherries on the cake. You know you're amazing; follow your inner compass.

Negate your wins.

Rather than focusing on all that remains to be done, acknowledge even the smallest increments of success. Everyone needs to see evidence that they're heading in the right direction.

Forget your passion and your why.

You're probably doing this for more than an opportunity to make money. When you keep your eye on that reason and feel the passion behind it, others will respond to it. It also recharges your batteries.

Over prepare for pitches and proposals.

The time you spend on a prospect before getting paid needs to be commensurate to the worth of the job. Know your stuff and believe in yourself instead of sending wordy, multi-page documents explaining your worth.

Accept clients who aren't a good fit.

Define your offerings and accept clients who will benefit from them. If you redefine to fit the prospect's desires, no one will be happy. Think about all of the people out there who need what you do and have faith that customers will find their way to you.

Won't delegate.

Believe that you are savvy enough to hire the right people and then let them do their jobs. You'll make mistakes, and so will they. It's all a part of your growth as an entrepreneur.

Often lose your temper or become anxious.

Understandably, you sometimes feel anxious and irritable. These are the times to focus on your breathing, the things you've achieved, and positive thoughts about the future. Intense outbursts and moods diminish your energy, creativity, and clarity.

Let failure define you.

Your idea or business didn't work out as envisioned. Perhaps smaller issues make you feel as though you've failed. Learn from your failures and mistakes and, remember, failure doesn't define you, giving up does.

Can't envision a bright and prosperous future.

What you think is important; what you believe creates your future. Send positive messages to your brain by envisioning and feeling the rewards of your hard work.

Do too many of these signs describe your behavior and emotions? Contact me today—because we can change that.

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