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You Want to Grow Your Small Business. 3 Tips So You Don’t Regret It

You Want to Grow Your Small Business. 3 Tips So You Don’t Regret It

As a small business coach, I love working with overwhelmed business owners doing everything themselves and who are ready to have a life outside of work. Most entrepreneurs come to me with a vision but don't have the time, energy, or clarity to make it happen. This is...

Here’s How I Just Changed a Shocking Experience to a Manageable Setback

Here’s How I Just Changed a Shocking Experience to a Manageable Setback

As a coach, I sometimes need to remind myself to utilize my coaching skills and tools for my own well-being. Assisting others through their false narratives, pain, doubts, and fears comes naturally to me. Most often, it's second nature for me to employ these tools,...

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