Marla Tabaka Business Coach Fri, 29 Dec 2023 16:21:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Marla Tabaka 32 32 Navigating the 5 Stages of Entrepreneurship: Your Roadmap to Success Fri, 29 Dec 2023 16:21:57 +0000 Welcome, fellow entrepreneurs, to the thrilling and often challenging journey of entrepreneurship! Embarking on this path isn't just about starting a business; it's a transformative voyage that evolves through distinct stages. Over the years of coaching entrepreneurs at all stages, I will say that the greater your awareness of these 5 stages of entrepreneurship, the […]

The post Navigating the 5 Stages of Entrepreneurship: Your Roadmap to Success appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

Welcome, fellow entrepreneurs, to the thrilling and often challenging journey of entrepreneurship! Embarking on this path isn't just about starting a business; it's a transformative voyage that evolves through distinct stages. Over the years of coaching entrepreneurs at all stages, I will say that the greater your awareness of these 5 stages of entrepreneurship, the more likely you will navigate them effectively to achieve your goals and ultimate success.

No one will tell you that entrepreneurship is predictable or linear, and neither are these 5 stages of entrepreneurship; rather, they are overlapping and interdependent. Fail to be diligent in one stage, and others will collapse. Be strategic but also adaptable and fluid, like water.

Stage 1: Seed Stage – Planting the Idea

This initial phase is akin to planting a seed; it's where your entrepreneurial journey begins. You're brimming with ideas, exploring opportunities, and conducting extensive research (never skip the research!). This stage demands introspection and market validation. Here, clarity in your values, vision, and mission becomes the cornerstone of your enterprise's foundation. Remember, it's not just about having an idea but understanding its potential and feasibility.

Stage 1 Insight:

“The seed stage is your time to dream big but ground those dreams in reality. Validate your idea, research your market, and assess its viability. This groundwork is crucial!”

Stage 2: Startup Stage – Cultivating Growth

Ah, the startup phase – where the rubber meets the road! This stage involves turning your validated idea into a tangible business. You're developing your product or service, establishing your brand identity, and initiating your market entry. Here, agility and adaptability are paramount. Embrace the inevitable challenges; they're growth opportunities.

Stage 2 Insight:

“Embrace the chaos and crazy of the startup phase. Adaptability and a willingness to pivot will define your success. Remember, things aren't likely to turn out exactly as you once envisioned them. Get used to change now because in our world it never stops!”

Stage 3: Growth Stage – Scaling Up

Congratulations, you've survived the infancy of your business! The growth stage is where your efforts begin to yield results. You're acquiring customers, experiencing increased demand, and fine-tuning your operations. Scaling becomes the buzzword here. Strategic decisions and efficient resource allocation are key. This phase demands a robust infrastructure to accommodate expansion. The Growth Stage is when most of my coaching clients find me because they’re smart enough to realize that you don’t know what you don’t know. There’s so much to learn here about leadership, culture building, systems and processes, delegation, and evolving from the doer to the visionary.

Stage 3 Insight:

“Focus on scalability without compromising quality. Streamline operations, invest in talent, and embrace technology to fuel sustainable growth.”

Stage 4: Expansion Stage – Diversification and Innovation

As your business matures, the expansion stage beckons. Now is the time to diversify your offerings, explore new markets, and innovate relentlessly. You're solidifying your market presence and seeking opportunities beyond your initial niche. It's about staying ahead by adapting to changing market dynamics. You may even consider an acquisition at this stage. Approached right, acquisition is an efficient way to achieve growth!

Stage 4 Insight: 

“Innovation isn't just about products and services; it's about processes and customer experiences too. Embrace calculated risks, and don't fear exploring new horizons!”

Stage 5: Maturity Stage – Sustaining Success

The maturity stage signifies stability and a well-established brand. You've become a market leader, and your focus shifts from rapid growth to maintaining your market position. Strategic partnerships, customer retention, and continuous innovation are vital. However, complacency is the enemy; evolving consumer preferences and trends necessitate ongoing adaptation.

Stage 5 Insight:

 “Stay nimble and alert even at the peak. Keep reinventing and evolving. Remember, what got you here might not keep you here!”

Final Thoughts:

Understanding these five stages isn't just about navigating them sequentially: it's about embracing the dynamism of entrepreneurship. Each phase presents its unique challenges and opportunities so be fluid, rather than linear in your approach.  Embrace failures as lessons, celebrate successes, and remember, your mindset will be your greatest asset throughout this journey. Hire a great coach! Surround yourself with mentors and supportive people. Being an entrepreneur can feel lonely, don't let that be you.

So, are you ready to conquer the entrepreneurial landscape? Contact me to set up your complimentary consultation. Your success story awaits!

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Fair Compensation Blueprint: How Small Business Owners Can Build Equitable Pay Scales Fri, 17 Nov 2023 15:56:37 +0000 Sally, a small business owner, generated about $120,000 in gross sales. After expenses, including a part-time employee, Sally took home about $30,000 in exchange for 50–60-hour work weeks. This situation lasted for five years and was unsustainable, so Sally knew she had to take action to change her circumstances. That’s when she decided she needed […]

The post Fair Compensation Blueprint: How Small Business Owners Can Build Equitable Pay Scales appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

Sally, a small business owner, generated about $120,000 in gross sales. After expenses, including a part-time employee, Sally took home about $30,000 in exchange for 50–60-hour work weeks. This situation lasted for five years and was unsustainable, so Sally knew she had to take action to change her circumstances. That’s when she decided she needed a business coach and found me.

Today, four years later, Sally’s business employs 15 individuals and generates about five million in gross sales; her salary is generous. Yet, among the growing pains of a small business, achieving equitable pay scales for her employees has been challenging.

It’s not difficult for entrepreneurs to decide what and how to pay themselves, but it’s more challenging as you build your team. How much should you pay employees? How can you keep salaries fair and reflective of experience and contribution? How do you prevent your company from overspending on payroll?

Your first employee comes on board, and you think, hmm, I have about $40,000 remaining in my budget, so that’s what I’ll pay this person. That can work, but then your second, third, and eventually tenth and eleventh employee comes along. The $40,000 you pay your current employee isn’t enough to attract new talent, so you pay them more. This cycle perpetuates itself, and before long, you have a valuable and experienced team member who’s been with you for two or more years, making less than the new person with less experience. Payroll is a mess, and when word gets out, morale is even worse.

Use equitable pay scale ranges to solve this payroll dilemma.

Is it time to grow your team? There are many things to consider, and most entrepreneurs fail to look at the future financial picture before they take this important step. After all, you don’t know what you don’t know, right? Here’s a simple plan to help prevent a division in your culture and a negative balance in your business bank account.

Create an organizational chart.

Looking three to five years into the future, what positions will you hire for to achieve your projected growth? Create a list of job titles (not names of existing employees).Small business org chart

Research pay scales for each listed position in your geographical area. If you are a remote business, you must research the areas where your employees live. Some websites, like, charge a fee to keep national and local averages up to date, but as a small business owner, you can use or to do your research. There, you can find a scale for the job you intend to fill, from low to high.

Create a pay range for each position.

Now that you know the salary range, separate it into three sections so you have three pay ranges within each pay grade. For a pay grade with a $50,000 salary limit, it might look like this:

$39,000 – $43.500

$43,501 – $47,000

$47,701 – $50,000

Now, assess what skills, experience, and qualities are for each range in your pay scale. For instance, say you’re hiring a coder. You will pay someone right out of school a different wage than someone with three to four years of experience. You’ll pay someone with eight to ten years of experience, eager to help your company grow, and a great fit for your culture, far more than you’d offer the newcomer to the industry.

Now, list the levels of experience. Identify,

  • How applicable must the experience be to your industry and goals (how much training is necessary)? Will a software engineer from the banking industry seamlessly fit into your software development company?
  • What level of education is the bare minimum your new employee needs?
  • What skills would be ideal for each pay grade level? Again, how much training will they require?
  • Whether they will manage other employees.

You can identify any markers that apply to your company and industry.

A pay scale will make your payroll system fair and equitable.

As you answer the questions above, you will create a clear, easy-to-understand scale with bullet-pointed qualifications, which is important on many levels. It will:

  • Prevent pay bias in the hiring process.
  • Take the guesswork out of your process when making an offer.
  • Help you offer clarity to employees who ask for unreasonable raises (more on this later).
  • Help to prevent your business from overspending on payroll.
  • Create a fair and balanced payroll system.

Before you conduct an interview, use the CV and your new system to get a general idea of the pay range for your candidate.

How do you create equity if payroll is already imbalanced?

This pay scale system will prevent future discrepancies, but what if your pay scales are already imbalanced? Using the computer engineer example, what if the person you hired three years ago earns $50,000, but today, you must pay a second person of equal talent and experience $65,000? Unless you are willing to lose your original person, you will have to adjust their pay to match (at the minimum) your new employee. Keep this in mind as you hire new talent; the payroll cost will increase substantially because of this pay adjustment if one is necessary. If your original computer engineer is amenable, you can make this adjustment over time, but you would risk a morale issue.

How to manage raises and promotions.

There are many different types of raises, but I usually suggest that a small business owner focus on only three:

Cost of Living (COLA).

The US Department of Labor determines a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA). Since 2021, the increases have been on the rise since living in the US has become more costly. However, just because the Department of Labor says the COLA is 4.5% does not mean you must offer 4.5%. Offer what your company can afford; otherwise, your employees could be at risk if your company struggles financially.

Completion raises.

I often suggest that my clients begin a new employee as a contractor (1099) for about three months before converting them to W-2 status. This tests if the employee and employer are a good match, whether or not the employee can deliver as anticipated, and if the job will keep the person engaged and productive. At the 3-month mark, if you bring your contractor on board, a pay increase is a great show of faith and goes a long way to keep your culture intact.

A completion raise is also applicable to goal completion and increased education experiences. A significant raise is certainly appropriate if your team member completes a training program or returns to school for an applicable degree. When you do a performance review and offer a list of goals to an employee, a raise may be in order once they successfully achieve the goals. Large project completion may merit a bonus or increase in pay.

Merit raises.

Each time you do an employee performance review, giving them goals and suggestions for advancing skills, education, or goals is wise. This is the time to discuss how they get along with other employees and customers. As they achieve these benchmarks, a merit raise is advisable. Hitting benchmark years at your company is another reason for a merit raise.

Side note: Many small business owners neglect ongoing or annual employee feedback. Remember this: Your employees are your number-one asset. Do not neglect them or fail to acknowledge them. In terms of importance, they come first.


Too often, I hear that employers add to the responsibilities of their employees without proper compensation. This is especially true when an employee is asked to manage others. The salary for a manager is higher than someone whose responsibilities end at their own performance. Promotions are based on performance, need, and team members' ability and willingness to grow.

Generally, reviewing pay structures regularly is a good idea to ensure that all employees are paid at levels comparable to those for similar positions in the market. Keep your team members happy and engaged, and your life will get easier—your business will be more profitable!

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Here’s Why You Struggle with Delegation, and Why You Need to Do It Anyway Sun, 22 Oct 2023 07:06:35 +0000 The Entrepreneur's Dilemma: Relinquishing Control Through Delegation Tell me, who is your favorite corporate leader of our times? Tim Cook? Sheryl Sandberg? Reed Hastings? Mary Barra? Sara Blakely? Richard Branson? Who is someone in business leadership you admire and learn from? Imagine this influential person's day-to-day activities. In your visual, do you see them preparing […]

The post Here’s Why You Struggle with Delegation, and Why You Need to Do It Anyway appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

The Entrepreneur's Dilemma: Relinquishing Control Through Delegation

Tell me, who is your favorite corporate leader of our times? Tim Cook? Sheryl Sandberg? Reed Hastings? Mary Barra? Sara Blakely? Richard Branson? Who is someone in business leadership you admire and learn from?

Imagine this influential person's day-to-day activities. In your visual, do you see them preparing payroll, shipping packages, and troubleshooting minor problems within the company? It's probably not an image you can conjure up—because that's not what they do. If they wasted time working so far below their skill level, they wouldn't be where they are today.

So, why are you still doing tasks that don't require your skill level? Solid and successful leaders delegate. If delegation creates a dilemma for you, working through your state of mind is a good idea.

Entrepreneurs are often known for their vision, drive, and hands-on approach. However, this same passion can lead to a reluctance to delegate. Do you buy into the common misconception that no one can handle select parts of your business as well as you can? A protective nature toward your business is a natural instinct but can also be limiting.

Why is delegation so critical to success?

I've worked with entrepreneurs eager to race to the ever-elusive finish line. Yet, aside from a lack of capital, one of the top reasons small businesses fail is pre-mature growth. Investing your resources into business expansion too soon can take your company down in months, but the danger of failure multiplies if you're unwilling to relinquish control over certain aspects of your day-to-day operations.

Delegation exponentially expands your capacity. When you entrust tasks to competent team members, you're no longer bound by the limitations of your own time and expertise. You can channel your energy toward strategic initiatives and high-level decision-making by releasing the grip on routine tasks. This is where true business transformation happens.

Can delegation backfire or fail?

Your delegation efforts can (and probably will) fail at times. If you hire the right people, equip them with clear and documented instructions, and provide the right resources, it is less likely that your employees will fail at their assignments. I often hear complaints that there isn't time to document procedures and policies and onboard and train an employee or two. This claim is the worst excuse I've ever heard! An overwhelmed and stressed-out business owner does not work efficiently, so it only feels like time is short. Bite the bullet and make time; otherwise, you'll look back five years from now, wondering why you’re in the same position, not having achieved your goals and struggling financially.

Enough false excuses. Let's look at the reality behind delegation struggles and some other insights.

The fear of letting go.

Fear is the main contributor behind the reluctance to delegate lies: the fear of losing control, others making mistakes, upsetting a client, or damaging the business in another way. Business owners often fear that others won't take them and their business seriously if they do not appear to be busy and overwhelmed. Stress does not earn anyone a badge of honor; it’s debilitating.

It's essential to recognize that delegation isn't about relinquishing all your control; it's about leveraging the strengths and talents of others to achieve collective success.

When my clients follow the plan to set their team up for success, they often find that projects turn out even better than when doing those projects and tasks themselves. Just because someone has different ideas or a unique approach doesn't mean their methods are not as good as yours. Anticipate success with new and more efficient ways of doing things.

Sometimes, entrepreneurs react emotionally to letting go of some of their duties, as though letting go means they are no longer an integral part of the company's success. Another concern is that they will be seen as someone other than the person in charge by their clients, therefore losing their importance or authority. This concern may be a subconscious fear, which is most damaging. I work with my clients to uncover the buried beliefs that keep them stuck. Then, and only then, does the company grow.

If you resist delegation to an extreme, find a coach or therapist who can help you uncover the truth behind your reluctance.

The boomerang effect.

Entrepreneurs, particularly in the early stages, find themselves wearing multiple hats. It's a commendable feat but can lead to burnout and a lack of focus on strategic growth. Delegation allows you to free up your time for high-impact activities only you can do. But here's the problem: If you boomerang back to control the details in operations, you can't focus on strategic growth and partnerships and will only be able to afford your employees for a short time. Hands-off delegation is critical to your culture and your future.

Building a culture of trust.

Once an employee is trained to perform their assigned tasks, it's imperative that you allow them to work independently. Independence does not mean you throw them into the deep end and hope they can swim; you're still available as a mentor/teacher. You will confuse and discourage your team if you don't allow them to make mistakes, demonstrate their abilities, and collaborate. Your team will thrive in a culture of trust, not one of backlash and shame.

Delegating fosters a culture of trust within your team. It empowers your employees, showing them that you value their skills and judgment. This trust forms the foundation of a high-performing and engaged team.

If you play the role of a helicopter parent, your employees will grow to doubt themselves and feel frustrated, even angry, with you. If you have a manager, allow them to manage. If you have a client service rep, let them build relationships and handle customer issues. Remember, at this point, you are a mentor, not a doer. If you want to grow your business and increase revenue, resist the urge to step in and do it yourself.

Building a growth mindset through delegation.

A reluctance to delegate indicates a fixed mindset, which limits the capacity for growth and positivity. Entrepreneurs with a fixed mindset stay stuck in a familiar pain or challenge to avoid the fears they associate with growth.

The preference of living in a state of stress and being overwhelmed, rather than fully utilizing an employee or a team, is an example of the pain and consequences of a fixed mindset. Entrepreneurs who won't delegate are stuck, inundated, and limited in their financial and personal growth capacity.

There is transformative growth and power in delegation for you and your team.

Balancing delegation with quality control.

It's important to note that effective delegation requires clear communication, defined expectations, and a system of checks and balances. Striking this balance ensures that tasks are executed to meet your standards. Don't set your employees up to fail; set them up for success, and they will thrive and stick around far longer than a stifled employee would.

Embracing change and growth.

Remember, growth often requires stepping out of your comfort zone. Embracing delegation is one massive leap toward your dream of a successful and profitable business. Start small, build mutual trust, and enjoy the freedom to grow personally and professionally.

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Afraid Your Leadership Skills Suck? BullShift!™ Wed, 27 Sep 2023 13:08:23 +0000 Bullshift – verb [bool-shift] – To shift your brain away from negative thoughts and beliefs (i.e., bullsh!t) to success-minded, joyful, productive thoughts. In the world of entrepreneurship, the notion that leaders are born, not made, is a long-standing belief. However, in my experience of 20 years as a business coach, I've learned that this belief […]

The post Afraid Your Leadership Skills Suck? BullShift!™ appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

Bullshift – verb [bool-shift] – To shift your brain away from negative thoughts and beliefs (i.e., bullsh!t) to success-minded, joyful, productive thoughts.

In the world of entrepreneurship, the notion that leaders are born, not made, is a long-standing belief. However, in my experience of 20 years as a business coach, I've learned that this belief is a myth that needs to be debunked. Leadership is a skill that can be cultivated and refined over time. I know because I help entrepreneurs develop their leadership skills and have the privilege of witnessing the before and after. The shift is powerful, but at least two limiting factors could get in the way of advancing your leadership skills: lack of confidence and the belief that you must be someone you're not to lead successfully.

Leadership is not about becoming an extrovert when you're not. You are no less a leader if you weren't born sociable and outgoing. Excellent leadership is built upon authenticity and trust. If you try to be someone you're not, you will fail.

So, how can you strengthen your skills while being true to who you are and your core values? The first thing to know is that leadership skills can be learned and honed through experience and education. And no, I don't mean a Harvard degree. The information you need is right at your fingertips.

There are developmental building blocks, mindset shifts, skills, and qualities that you already possess to get you on your way to step into the shoes of an outstanding leader confidently. It's time to Bullshift™any beliefs that you're not cut out to lead.

Test your leadership abilities with my free download,
50 Tough Questions You Never Ask Yourself But Should.”

The Building Blocks of Leadership.

Picture leadership as a puzzle with pieces that you can assemble over time. The puzzle pieces represent skills like effective communication, emotional intelligence, adaptability, and strategic thinking. These are not innate traits but learned behaviors that you can hone through practice, experience, and confidence. You can build these skills over time, but also by observing the great leaders of our time through reading, listening to podcasts, and surrounding yourself with people who possess the qualities and skills you wish to enhance and develop.

Embrace a Growth Mindset.

Embracing a growth mindset is the cornerstone of leadership development. It's about believing you can develop your abilities, skills, and even your intuitive senses through dedication and hard work. When you limit yourself with negative beliefs about yourself, money, and the world around you, opportunities and valuable learning experiences will be missed and misunderstood.

Lean on your values.

When business owners contact me to discuss coaching, they usually feel a bit (or a lot) lost. They would give anything for a compass of sorts to guide them through their next steps and choices. Here's the thing—you already have an internal compass, and you need to lean on it to help you at every step along the way. When you identify and live by your personal and professional values, you'll make better choices, feel less confused, and gain clarity about yourself and your company's future.

Your values will help define your company's culture, another thing too many business owners neglect to do.

Contact me for a complimentary consultation if you'd like to learn more about defining your values;
it's one of the most significant things you'll do to develop into the leader you want to be.

Don't mistake empathy for weakness in leadership.

Great leaders can and should have empathy. This quality doesn't make you soft or weak; it's a strength and honorable leadership trait. The problem for highly empathetic people is that they sometimes need more confidence to make tough choices and to speak up without fear of hurting someone's feelings or confrontation. Empathy-driven leadership gets results and indicates a high level of emotional intelligence.

Emotionally intelligent people can use their feelings and intuitive senses to motivate themselves and others. They can understand andSoft Skills in Leadership consider their team members' feelings to make sure each employee works from their best skill sets, not in areas of weakness. Empathetic leaders resolve conflict well because they can see and understand the nuances of a dispute or disagreement. Emotional intelligence also allows leaders to form intentional bonds with other people, connecting on a level that other leaders may not. If you are empathic, it can become your greatest strength, not a weakness.

Leadership is not an exclusive club for the chosen few; skills, experience, and qualities can be cultivated, nurtured, and refined. By adopting a growth mindset, continuous learning, and drawing inspiration from the great leaders of our times, you are already on the path to becoming the leader you aspire to be.

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3 Ways Small Business Owners Set New Employees Up to Fail Mon, 25 Sep 2023 14:43:26 +0000 You know it's time to do more to grow your small business, but your hands are bound by a clock that only allows you 24 hours a day. Experts will tell you to hire employees to take the load off so you can focus on business growth. As a business coach, I often suggest that clients […]

The post 3 Ways Small Business Owners Set New Employees Up to Fail appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

You know it's time to do more to grow your small business, but your hands are bound by a clock that only allows you 24 hours a day.

Experts will tell you to hire employees to take the load off so you can focus on business growth. As a business coach, I often suggest that clients onboard employees as they scale. However, a few key components must be in place before you expand your team.

Most often, small business owners skip over game-changing business-building steps because they're too occupied to put thought into them, but this lack of diligence always backfires.

Don't be that small business owner.

You decide it's time to take the plunge and hire your first (or next) employee. You think about what that person can do and how much time a new hire will free up for you. So, you whip up a job posting or spread the word through your community, and, voila, you find someone. You ask the standard interview questions, size them up, and perhaps check a reference or two, and your new employee starts on Monday. Cool!

Or, maybe not so cool. You may think the hard part is done at this point, but that's far from true. At this point, budding entrepreneurs need to learn to think like a leader rather than someone in the trenches. Now, you not only have to protect yourself from failing but also your growing team.

3 ways to set employees up to fail.

1. You don't give your new hire a steady foundation.

You may have a job description, but you don't have any training, implementation processes, or written documentation in place. Without a solid foundation, you throw your new person into the deep end without a raft. Rescuing your employee is time-consuming and frustrating; it was easier when you were solo!

Many entrepreneurs put these oversights in the category of employee empowerment and tell themselves they will not be a micro-manager. Really, this belief only serves to make the business owner feel better, but you can't hide behind it for long. Empowerment is built upon solid training and an understanding of the company's signature goals and direction. Your employee may attempt to do things right, but without consistent guidance and processes in place, they will struggle and most likely fail to meet your needs. There's a big difference between micro-managing and providing your team with education, support, and training.

2. You're unclear about your small business's growth vision.

Entrepreneurs have plenty of ideas for future growth and expansion. The problem appears when all these ideas merge murkily, causing a Small Business Leadershiplack of clarity, confusion, and overwhelm . These murky waters lead to a team that also lacks clarity and feels overwhelmed and confused by your inconsistent leadership and direction. You may hire for the wrong positions and skill sets, leaving you with one or more team members who may be decent employees but cannot grow your small business with you. They just won't be a good fit for your ultimate vision.

3. You have not designed your company culture.

You have yet to think about what you want your company culture to look like or what values will guide you to that goal. Understanding your company and personal values to design an internal and client-facing culture gives you a roadmap for everything you do, including who and why you hire. For instance, if you hold a value that indicates honesty, integrity, or trustworthiness and hire a salesperson who promises anything to get the sale, you will have very unhappy customers. This person will also cause conflict with other team members who do represent your culture of integrity.

You don't know what you don't know about growing your small business.

Leadership development is a new stage of growth for most small business owners, and this process has many layers. While it may not seem apparent, your leadership abilities need to kick in before you hire employees, not after. It is difficult for most people to figure out how to

  1. Make the time to develop processes, identify culture goals, and develop a vision
  2. Get your ideas out of your head and into play
  3. Gain clarity about the what, how, and why
  4. Implement your ideas
  5. Just about everything else!

This educational piece of professional and self-growth is why business coaches and mentors exist. No, you don't know what you don't know, and you're not meant to do it alone. Surround yourself with a supportive team of non-employees before you become an employer, and you will save yourself much disappointment, money, and time!

Are you interested in growing your business to add more freedom, security, and well-being into your life? Please contact me to see if I can help. Let’s chat and learn more about one another!

The post 3 Ways Small Business Owners Set New Employees Up to Fail appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

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Happiness Matters. 5 Fast and Easy Ways to Increase Your Happiness Factor Mon, 14 Aug 2023 19:07:14 +0000 Everyone deserves happiness in their lives. Too often, entrepreneurs believe that happiness is only about success and miss out on the benefits of finding happiness in the little things. Without living in the joy and happiness offered by loved ones and your surroundings, stress soon becomes the focal point of your life. We know that […]

The post Happiness Matters. 5 Fast and Easy Ways to Increase Your Happiness Factor appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

Everyone deserves happiness in their lives. Too often, entrepreneurs believe that happiness is only about success and miss out on the benefits of finding happiness in the little things. Without living in the joy and happiness offered by loved ones and your surroundings, stress soon becomes the focal point of your life.

We know that stress builds upon stress. The longer you allow stress to run your thoughts, actions, and behaviors, the more it becomes your default setting. You wake up in the morning, and your brain instantly searches for what is wrong in your life rather than right. Your mind cannot focus on the joyful aspects of life; your kids, friends and family, good health, or whatever you treasure. Before you know it, stress dictates your decisions, and happiness takes a back seat to worry, fear, and anxiety. Not an excellent way to live—for you or the people who love and care for you.

It's time to increase your happiness factor!

While we know that proper diet and exercise, going to a therapist, taking vacations, being present in the moment, and all the other things that are good for us decrease stress, they all require life change. Today's happiness-inducing tips take seconds to minutes, and that's all. You can incorporate these little actions into your life without interrupting your day. These new habits are simple to attain yet powerful. Refrain from dismissing these little gems as too easy to be true and effective!

Happiness comes with a smile.

That's right. Endless research shows that the simple act of an ear-to-ear smile immediately impacts your state of mind. You see, a smile spurs a chemical reaction in the brain, releasing certain hormones, including dopamine and serotonin, the happiness hormones. When you smile, your brain automatically assumes something humorous is happening and responds accordingly. And here's more good news: your brain doesn't know if you're smiling because you genuinely feel happy or if you're pretending. That's right, fake it until you make it.

Does your brain come to life in the morning with stressful thoughts, dread, frustration, or fear? Interrupt that pattern with an ear-to-ear smile. Okay, it may feel goofy to lie in bed smiling at the ceiling, but I kid you not; it's extremely effective. Give it a try! And when you're ready to take things to the next level, find something to laugh about!

Increase happiness when you put a little vacation in every day.

Commuter Train I felt a sinking sensation during my corporate years before I got on the commuter train each morning. It was as though my life wasn't my own once I boarded that train. One day I realized that, between being a single mom and working a demanding job, I had very little of my own time, so of course, I dreaded going to work. So, I decided to change that feeling, even for only a few minutes a day.

I began leaving the house 20 minutes early (no small feat with stunt-loving toddler twins around), but I made it happen. I used that 20 minutes at my morning commute's front or back end. Sometimes, I stopped in the little coffee shop at the station and either laughed and chatted with the owners and other customers or took my coffee to a bench under a tree. There, I focused on the feel-good aspect of being alone; the sweet sound of the birds talking or whatever made my heart feel good.

Other times, I would go out of my way to walk along Lake Michigan to get to work. I would stop in the satellite department store near the train station downtown or browse in a bookshop—things I would do if I were on vacation.

Now, I work from home. I take frequent 5-minute breaks to gaze into my beautiful koi pond or even pull a few weeds (it's meditative!). I'll play with one of our pets or laugh over something silly with my daughters. Other times I'll stop in the middle of the day for something more time-consuming: a massage, a long walk in the woods, a pedicure, or a bit of retail therapy.

I refer to these mini breaks as my way to put a little vacation in every day. This time reminds you that you can escape the stress and daily demands to make yourself feel special and at peace. Make it a rule. Put a little vacation in each and every day!

Show some gratitude.

If a pill could simulate the effects of gratitude, everyone would be taking it. Again, there are countless studies on gratitude's mental and physical benefits. We know that feeling thankful can improve sleep, mood, and immunity. Gratitude can decrease depression, anxiety, chronic pain difficulties, and disease risk.

Gratitude and happiness go hand in hand. But I'm not talking about a robotic recital of a gratitude list. We're all (hopefully) grateful for the important and good things in our lives. Make your gratitude memorable with this simple practice.

Step one is to actively look for simple things that bring joy to your heart. This step requires intention and practice, but this gratitude practice will retrain your brain to focus on the good rather than the stressful stuff.Gratitude Journal

If you leave the house for an errand or a walk (Walk your dogs! It's a great break for both of you!), watch for the simple things that bring you a moment of pleasure: a beautiful flower, a sweet interaction between a parent and child, a pleasant smell in the air. These are simple pleasures you're looking for, nothing big and life-changing.

You get the idea. This exercise is a highly effective way to practice being present in the moment and teach your brain to seek happiness, not misery.

Step two in the gratitude exercise:

Spend just 5-minutes every night recording your moments of pleasure in a gratitude journal. No cheating! Again, this isn't about the things that you're grateful for; this is about seeking out simple reasons for happiness. You don't have to write a book; a basic sentence or two is perfect.

As you record these special moments, allow your heart to feel them all over again. Going to bed happy provides many benefits, including a more peaceful night's sleep.

Perform random acts of kindness.

I was checking out at Trader Joe's (one of my happy places) a couple of weeks ago. The cashier was a young woman who happily chatted with each customer and did her job joyfully. I don't recall the questions I asked her, but I learned that this happy woman worked three jobs! I asked when she found time for rest, and she responded, “Girl! I've got goals; the time for rest is later!” She went on to say that she loves all of her jobs and is saving so she has the financial means to make her dreams come true.

I was so taken with this magical personality that I went home, grabbed some cash, put it in an envelope with a little note, and returned to the store to give it to her. I told her it was my small way of contributing to her dreams. I can't get the image of her joyful spirit out of my mind. I'm still riding this roller coaster two weeks later.

Along with your gratitude practice, keep your eyes open for small ways to be there for someone else:

  • Help someone put groceries in their car.
  • Send an employee home early as a special treat.
  • Show your appreciation to someone amazing.
  • Put a little love note in your child's lunch.
  • Surprise a friend by leaving flowers on their doorstep.

Get silly and move!

Just like a smile, shifting your physical state of stress invites your body and brain to feel good. What we call a state change in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) means to change your body radically – to move into a powerful state. Change your posture, facial expression, and breathing. Move to another room, or stand up and strike a Superman pose!

When I began public speaking, I was petrified. It was about more than just getting up on a stage but about creating a presentation powerful enough for an audience to appreciate and benefit from. My anxiety would put a freeze on my creativity. In fact, it crippled my brain! So, I put my knowledge to work. Here are a few of the exercises; they are simple (even goofy) yet effective.

When you're overwhelmed to the point of being frozen, shift to an empowering state to generate happiness and confidence.

Stand tall, and walk around the room while reciting empowering affirmations. Use a strong, confident voice and your hands and arms to accentuate the words. Here are some of the affirmations I used. Before long, I didn't need to do this exercise because I trained my brain to know I was confident, experienced, and strong.

Short and simple affirmations for happiness and confidence.

  • I AM an expert!
  • I bring value to my audience (or whatever you're doing)!
  • I am a great entrepreneur!
  • I have everything it takes to succeed at this!
  • My voice is powerful and knowing!
  • I am confident, capable, and wise!

Remember, use your body, exaggerate your movements, and emphasize key words in your affirmations.

Baby steps. That's all it takes to bring a bit of joy and happiness to your heart. Don't wait for success, don't think you have to make massive life changes. Keep it simple and do it now.

The post Happiness Matters. 5 Fast and Easy Ways to Increase Your Happiness Factor appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

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Business Coach Advice: Boost Sales With This 4th Quarter Checklist Wed, 02 Aug 2023 16:40:30 +0000 Today is August 2nd, and it seems too soon to think about 4th Quarter planning, but this business coach knows the importance of year-end fact checks and action steps for your small business. Now is the time to protect yourself from unnecessary financial loss and the disappointment of going into another new year, feeling that […]

The post Business Coach Advice: Boost Sales With This 4th Quarter Checklist appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

Today is August 2nd, and it seems too soon to think about 4th Quarter planning, but this business coach knows the importance of year-end fact checks and action steps for your small business. Now is the time to protect yourself from unnecessary financial loss and the disappointment of going into another new year, feeling that you haven’t achieved your goals.

Allow me to tell you a story.

One entrepreneur’s business took off during her second year of coaching with me. In addition, her husband started a company of his own, which grew quickly and substantially. Their 2022 combined household income was three times what it had ever been. This year, both businesses continue to flourish.

I always remind my fast-growing business clients to meet quarterly with their accountants to double-check numbers, plan spending, and ensure their earnings are appropriately taxed. However, working with a business coach is a new experience for most clients, and they don’t always realize the importance of a quarterly financial checkup, so many small business owners neglect to heed this advice. They are well-meaning, but things get busy, and important meetings get placed on the back burner. As a result, my client just got hit with a state tax debt of $10,000 for 2022. That was manageable, even though it was disappointing. But it wasn’t as upsetting as the $100,000 IRS tax debt notification she received two days later!

Why did this enormous tax debt happen? Because the client’s accountant had adjusted quarterly taxes at the end of 1st Quarter but not since. Scheduled meetings would have prevented these shocking tax debts seven months into the following year. Sure, these taxes need to be paid one way or the other, but you can imagine the infuriating surprise of an unexpected bill of this size. It’s better to pay taxes on a schedule than to receive a shock like this one.

Business Coach Advice: Don’t let that happen to you!

Now is the time to delve into operations, bookkeeping, goal assessment, and future planning for your business. I often advise my clients to schedule two or three days away so their time is free of interruptions and distractions. Book yourself into a lovely hotel just far enough away from home and work to keep distractions at bay. Tell everyone, including employees, friends, and family, that you will check in once at the end of the day and are otherwise unavailable. Use this time to follow the checklist below and complete what you can.

Important tip: Also, schedule an end-of-day massage and at least one decadent meal somewhere nearby!

Here is your 4th quarter checklist.

Begin now to clean up your 2023 plan and go into 2024 feeling good about yourself and your small business. The 1st piece of business coach advice on this list should be obvious by now!

Schedule a 4th quarter meeting with your business accountant.

Your accountant will know what to talk about, but here are a few suggestions:

  • Ensure there are no tax code changes that will affect your business.
  • Double-check your tax withholdings.
  • Ask if you should increase your taxable spending.
  • Review payroll to see if year-end bonuses or pay increases are possible.

Check on your inventory history and plan for future sales.

  • If you carry inventory, be sure that holiday stock is on order. Allow time for delayed shipping and out-of-stock inventory.
  • Do a review of the current year. Where did you fall short on supply? Plan for those months during the upcoming calendar year.
  • Will you add new items for holiday gifting? What new product line ideas do you have for next year?

Revisit your other 2023 goals.

Business Coach Action Plan Are there remaining goals on your list that hold the possibility for completion yet this year? If so, forgive yourself, schedule time to work on them, or, better yet, think of someone to delegate them to, even if it’s a 1099 contractor. Be realistic about your goals; otherwise, you will let yourself down repeatedly. Of course, if lack of completion is an issue for you, hire a business coach to help you manage and eliminate this issue.

Review operations and documentation.

Have operations run smoothly in 2023? If so, congratulations! If not, any number of things could be to blame.

Plan for documentation of your primary processes and procedures in 2024. The lack of training materials is usually a significant problem for owners who see a lot of operations issues. Again, the main complaint about the documentation process is time consumption. I always tell my clients to imagine how much more time they’d have if they didn’t have to deal with a plethora of mistakes and oversights. Documentation isn’t only for training purposes; it serves as a guide in each job role. These materials give you a tool for effective employee reviews and dismissals, and it keeps your organization running smoothly.

What else is essential to know about clear and thorough documentation? It adds value to your company. This collateral is considered proprietary information, and should you ever sell or seek to be acquired, there must be processes in place before anyone takes you seriously.

Also, review staffing needs. Will you require an additional headcount or freelancers in 2024? If additional payroll is something you need to consider, add this to your accounting discussion. Schedule time on your calendar to define the job role and get your onboarding plans in place. This is another area where a business coach could be essential to the process.

Consider automation for 2024 or 25.

Customer Relationship Management tools are about more than just managing client relationships. These money-saving tools are a powerful means for running your business efficiently. A customized CRM will reduce errors and oversights. Your notifications to prospects and clients will go out on a timely basis. Your CRM will keep all correspondence branded and consistent, and it will track your job progress, flag issues, and be your project manager. Some will even integrate and track your inventory.

Some contractors specialize in customizing just about every CRM on the market, and you’ll likely find a list of preferred vendors on the CRM builder’s website. A contractor’s fee is well worth a reasonable investment. Do your best to work this into next year’s budget, but shop around for your contractor!

Create or revisit your 4th Quarter marketing plan.

Preparing a marketing calendar in advance with the big-picture strategy broken down into monthly, weekly, and daily bite-sized action steps is always a great idea. If you haven’t done this before, work with your marketing person or business coach to create your marketing calendar for next year. This task is a great 4th Quarter activity.

For now, consider your sales goals for 2023. Have you fallen short or exceeded your projections? Either way, it’s time to revisit or create marketing initiatives to achieve the current plan or continue to surpass your initial goals. Try something new or build upon what’s been working. If you set your sights on improving operations, realistic goals, and a solid marketing plan, you can and will increase profits in 2024. Who knows? You may be able to add revenue to 2023; it's not too late!

Book your hotel or getaway location today! If you’re so inclined, email me a few pictures, and I’ll include them in a follow-up blog later in the year!

The post Business Coach Advice: Boost Sales With This 4th Quarter Checklist appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

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You Want to Grow Your Small Business. 3 Tips So You Don’t Regret It Fri, 21 Jul 2023 20:52:50 +0000 As a small business coach, I love working with overwhelmed business owners doing everything themselves and who are ready to have a life outside of work. Most entrepreneurs come to me with a vision but don't have the time, energy, or clarity to make it happen. This is one reason they seek out a qualified […]

The post You Want to Grow Your Small Business. 3 Tips So You Don’t Regret It appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

As a small business coach, I love working with overwhelmed business owners doing everything themselves and who are ready to have a life outside of work. Most entrepreneurs come to me with a vision but don't have the time, energy, or clarity to make it happen. This is one reason they seek out a qualified business coach to help them grow.

My clients achieve their goals, but for some, the reality of growing their small business is much different than they imagined. Here's the startling truth. There are several points within the process where you may question your decision to scale. You might even feel an overwhelming need to dial it back or give up. I often help my clients through these stages, and, fortunately, nearly all of them plow through until they feel good about their choices again.

To lessen or avoid the negative emotional impact of scaling your small business, here are a few questions to ask yourself as you create your plan.

1. What do I need to do now to reduce my stress later?

When small business owners are knee-deep in problems, the idea of becoming a true leader who works on the vision instead of the day-to-day operations sounds exciting and fulfilling. Still, you'd be surprised by how often entrepreneurs miss the simplicity of being the business when they initiate a growth model. Some wish they'd never hired employees and taken on more business because it now feels even more overwhelming than when they did it alone. This negative experience of expansion usually comes from poor planning and a skewed vision of the path to success.

It's wise to initiate your progression in phases and have a plan in which your function is clearly and realistically outlined for each process stage. It's also wise to accept that sometimes you'll take two steps forward and one step back. Growth is not a linear process.

To minimize the growth pains, consider these points:

  • Avoid making personal or professional travel plans within six months of bringing on new employees. Training takes time. In fact, you're likely to feel more overwhelmed by all the training than you did before hiring help. Don't expect your new people to run the business in your absence until they can perform the job skillfully.
  • You'll probably need new business to support payroll but be cautious about how much you add to the workload for at least a few months. Even if your new person or people have the skills to do the job, not all skills translate seamlessly from company to company. They still need plenty of your attention. Don't spread yourself too thin, or you'll resent your choice to build a team.
  • Outsource work that doesn't need to be done internally, like bookkeeping, payroll, and freelance labor. Do this before you hire anyone else so you're not bogged down by managing more than one transition at a time.
  • If you are offloading tasks to your new hire, begin documenting the steps in writing or doing videos before hiring anyone. is an excellent resource for making your training videos. You will still need to provide additional training, but your new person will have documentation to check their work.

2. Am I a great communicator who listens, demonstrates patience, and understands the varying needs of different personality types?

Sometimes entrepreneurs make terrible bosses. There, I said it! If you are a creative, innovative visionary, you'll probably be the worst kind of boss. You don't like boots-on-the-ground activities like hiring, training, and building expansive systems to support your growth. One of the new leaders' most damaging mistakes is neglecting detailed, frequent, and thoughtful communication with their teams.

Never assume that any process is “just common sense” because the knowledge you possess is uncommon. There was a time when you only communicated with clients; now, you'll have more communication points, which creates a greater likelihood of error. Employing others will offer you every opportunity to learn patience and expertly communicate, but you may need a hand.

Hire a business coach who can help you grow your emotional intelligence and communication skills, learn patience, and create realistic expectations of yourself and others.

3. Do I have a skewed perspective on life balance?

A conversation with Jack Canfield offered insight about wealthy entrepreneurs that's useful to share with my clients with less wealth. Despite his success and wealth, the Chicken Soup for the Soul co-author still works fourteen-hour days for days and weeks on end. He said that when he's working on a new book or another big project, he locks himself away in his library and has very little contact with others. But then, when he sends that book to his publisher, he's off to Hawaii with his family for an extended vacation. Life returns to a pleasant balance until the next big project comes along.

Life balance is rarely about day-to-day perfection in your schedule. Look at balance as a whole life experience, not a daily part of your life. There will be periods when your personal life goes by the wayside, and there will be times when you experience the bliss of leaving everything behind to spend time doing the things you love outside of work.

Scaling your small business comes with its ups and its downs. Proper planning and an informed outlook will make the downs fewer and more manageable—but there's one last thing. Don't believe you have to do this alone! There are countless resources and people out there to reduce the burden and help you make the best decisions for you.

***Let's chat! We will investigate whether or not I can help you grow your small business with less stress and more success!***

The post You Want to Grow Your Small Business. 3 Tips So You Don’t Regret It appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

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3 Ways Small Business Owners Set New Employees Up to Fail Wed, 21 Jun 2023 14:11:46 +0000 You know it's time to do more to grow your small business, but your hands are bound by a clock that only allows you 24 hours a day. Experts will tell you to hire employees to take the load off so you can focus on business growth. As a business coach, I often suggest that clients […]

The post 3 Ways Small Business Owners Set New Employees Up to Fail appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

You know it's time to do more to grow your small business, but your hands are bound by a clock that only allows you 24 hours a day.

Experts will tell you to hire employees to take the load off so you can focus on business growth. As a business coach, I often suggest that clients onboard employees as they scale. However, a few key components must be in place before you expand your team.

Most often, small business owners skip over game-changing business-building steps because they're too occupied to put thought into them, but this lack of diligence always backfires.

Don't be that small business owner.

You decide it's time to take the plunge and hire your first (or next) employee. You think about what that person can do and how much time a new hire will free up for you. So, you whip up a job posting or spread the word through your community, and, voila, you find someone. You ask the standard interview questions, size them up, and perhaps check a reference or two, and your new employee starts on Monday. Cool!

Or, maybe not so cool. You may think the hard part is done at this point, but that's far from true. At this point, budding entrepreneurs need to learn to think like a leader rather than someone in the trenches. Now, you not only have to protect yourself from failing but also your growing team.

3 ways to set employees up to fail.

1. You don't give your new hire a steady foundation.

You may have a job description, but you don't have any training, implementation processes, or written documentation in place. Without a solid foundation, you throw your new person into the deep end without a raft. Rescuing your employee is time-consuming and frustrating; it was easier when you were solo!

Many entrepreneurs put these oversights in the category of employee empowerment and tell themselves they will not be a micro-manager. Really, this belief only serves to make the business owner feel better, but you can't hide behind it for long. Empowerment is built upon solid training and an understanding of the company's signature goals and direction. Your employee may attempt to do things right, but without consistent guidance and processes in place, they will struggle and most likely fail to meet your needs. There's a big difference between micro-managing and providing your team with education, support, and training.

2. You're unclear about your small business's growth vision.

Entrepreneurs have plenty of ideas for future growth and expansion. The problem appears when all these ideas merge murkily, causing a Small Business Leadershiplack of clarity, confusion, and overwhelm . These murky waters lead to a team that also lacks clarity and feels overwhelmed and confused by your inconsistent leadership and direction. You may hire for the wrong positions and skill sets, leaving you with one or more team members who may be decent employees but cannot grow your small business with you. They just won't be a good fit for your ultimate vision.

3. You have not designed your company culture.

You have yet to think about what you want your company culture to look like or what values will guide you to that goal. Understanding your company and personal values to design an internal and client-facing culture gives you a roadmap for everything you do, including who and why you hire. For instance, if you hold a value that indicates honesty, integrity, or trustworthiness and hire a salesperson who promises anything to get the sale, you will have very unhappy customers. This person will also cause conflict with other team members who do represent your culture of integrity.

You don't know what you don't know about growing your small business.

Leadership development is a new stage of growth for most small business owners, and this process has many layers. While it may not seem apparent, your leadership abilities need to kick in before you hire employees, not after. It is difficult for most people to figure out how to

  1. Make the time to develop processes, identify culture goals, and develop a vision
  2. Get your ideas out of your head and into play
  3. Gain clarity about the what, how, and why
  4. Implement your ideas
  5. Just about everything else!

This educational piece of professional and self-growth is why business coaches and mentors exist. No, you don't know what you don't know, and you're not meant to do it alone. Surround yourself with a supportive team of non-employees before you become an employer, and you will save yourself much disappointment, money, and time!

Are you interested in growing your business to add more freedom, security, and well-being into your life? Please contact me to see if I can help. Let’s chat and learn more about one another!

The post 3 Ways Small Business Owners Set New Employees Up to Fail appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

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Here’s How I Just Changed a Shocking Experience to a Manageable Setback Fri, 09 Jun 2023 16:30:25 +0000 As a coach, I sometimes need to remind myself to utilize my coaching skills and tools for my own well-being. Assisting others through their false narratives, pain, doubts, and fears comes naturally to me. Most often, it's second nature for me to employ these tools, but it isn't always easy in my personal life. During […]

The post Here’s How I Just Changed a Shocking Experience to a Manageable Setback appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

As a coach, I sometimes need to remind myself to utilize my coaching skills and tools for my own well-being. Assisting others through their false narratives, pain, doubts, and fears comes naturally to me. Most often, it's second nature for me to employ these tools, but it isn't always easy in my personal life. During the final week of a month-long journey through Italy this spring, I had an opportunity to navigate through a difficult transition to find a few valuable gems in an unfortunate situation.

So, here's the story.Venice, Italy

Italy was, without a doubt, a trip of a lifetime; however, during the final week, I needed to step up my coping mechanisms to make a difficult adjustment. After three glorious weeks of taking in Italy's spectacular cities and countryside with my brother, Gary, and sister-in-law, Rose, I was excited to experience Rome. The Colosseum, the Forum, the Vatican, the Trevi Fountain, and so much more were awaiting; however, the Universe had different plans for me.

Setbacks happen.

On our final night in Sorrento before traveling to Rome, I sprained my ankle and injured my knee in a nasty fall. It could have been so much worse as I fell hard from the steps onto a marble landing. Still, it hurt like hell! It's a bad sprain, made worse by the knee injury on the opposite leg.

Different personality types respond to setbacks in different ways.

What do you think your initial reaction would've been if you were in my situation? Here's how it went for me.

Immediately after the fall, my initial questions were what most people would ask themselves. How bad is it? Can I move? In how many places am I injured? And then, how will I get up from down here?

After that, I moved on to thoughts similar to what you'd experience for an empathy-driven individual in this situation.

  • Oh no, how awful for Gary and Rose to have seen me fall like that.
  • Now their trip is going to be ruined.
  • Gary had paid for the tours, and now I can't take them; what a waste of money.
  • I'm going to slow them down, and I'll be a burden.
  • What if I need medical care? That will ruin everything for them!
  • I don't want them to worry about me on their vacation!

These fears were a lot to process, and I became overwhelmed and anxious. The fall and all these initial thoughts happened in less than a minute, and I quickly realized the need to access my coping skills, so on went the coach hat. (This was all before I even got off the ground!)

Once I was standing, with the help of my brother, I immediately acknowledged to myself that I was projecting. “If roles were reversed and I witnessed one of them experience a bad fall, would I be thinking about the remainder of my trip being ruined,” I asked myself. The answer was no. I would be deeply concerned for the injured person and think about what I could do to help them. With this shift in perspective, my panic receded, and I could focus on what I needed.

The lesson:

When a setback involves others, don't project. You have no idea how they are feeling or what their thoughts are, and there will be plenty of time to work out the details later. Take care of yourself first and ask for what you need.

Of course, this coach would have more opportunities to turn her skills inward. By the next morning, the pain and swelling worsened in the ankle and the knee. I was alone at the AirBnB and began worrying that I might need medical attention. Would my insurance cover it? Where would I go, and how would I get down the awful stairs lurking just outside the door? Would anyone speak English at the medical center? What would happen if I waited for medical care until I got home a week from now? If there's a fracture, will it be too late to treat it?

As you can see, the negative voices in my head were working overtime. My body became tense all over, and I felt highly agitated. That's when the coach voice took over and told me loud and clear that I was catastrophizing. I was less than a day in; of course, the injuries will get worse before they get better. “Give it time,” I told myself.

I used deep breathing methods to ground myself and shifted states by moving to a different room to distract myself with a bit of television. In addition, I used EFT to quiet the negative voices.

The lesson:

The human brain quickly goes down the path of catastrophic thinking, but your body will alert you when your worrisome brain goes into overdrive. You will experience things like anxiety, tenseness, stomach upset, and headaches. When you receive these signals, stop to ask yourself, “Do any of these manufactured predictions of the future need to be addressed immediately?” And “Do I know–for an absolute fact–that any of these awful things will happen?” The answers are: probably not and no.

In the subsequent phases of adjustment to my unfortunate reality, my brain changed directions, and I began to feel sorry for myself. Here I am, on my dream vacation, stuck in a small apartment with no view and a dangerous stairway. I would miss the spectacular pieces of ancient history I've waited a lifetime to see. I felt angry, sad, and lonely.

With my coach hat on again, I asked myself, “If you must stay in this room for several days, is this how you want to feel?” The answer was absolutely not. I could do nothing to change the situation, so how could I improve it?

I'll admit that even after I put some work into my mindset, some of the sadness remained, but the anger and grief were no longer amplified by it. It's natural to feel a bit sorry for yourself in such situations; I believe anyone would. But I would not let my feelings bring me down to the point of constant misery. So, I created goals and a plan. What entrepreneur doesn't feel better with goals and action steps in place?

First, practice gratitude.

I fell from the steps down onto the solid stone. I could have broken something or many somethings! I could have hit my head or fallen flat on my face. It could have been a truly catastrophic event. I am grateful that my injuries are relatively minor and will heal. I have two caring people with me who would look after me. I created a long list of “I'm really lucky” statements. Gratitude makes everything feel better!

Second, practice acceptance.

  • I was in a disappointing situation and could not change it, but I could make the best of it, so I looked for the good.
  • Gary and Rose would have some time alone in Rome. I'm sure that feels good to them.
  • I brought my iPad, books, and iPhone. I could always find things to do, like writing this post while the facts and feelings were still fresh on my mind. (Although I didn't post it until I returned home.)
  • I hadn't watched a movie in quite some time. Who gets to lay around in Rome and watch television? It's a new experience.

Third, expedite my healing.

I studied information online about healing a bad ankle sprain. Unfortunately, the apartment had no freezer, so there was no ice. Yet, ice is crucial to healing. I asked Gary and Rose to get those ice packs you snap to release a cold gel. Not ideal, but better than nothing.

I'd kept the ankle wrapped and elevated and put some magic Italian gel on it. I massaged it, and the knee, several times a day. On the third day, I began basic stretching and other exercises.

Last on the list: Set goals.

I know myself well. No matter what it took, I needed to leave the apartment after a full day inside. Once I got out for an hour or two, I could elevator at Vatican Museumface another day inside if I continued to work at it. So, on the second morning, I met those challenging stairs with Gary's assistance. He and Rose then escorted me to a cafe where I began this article and sipped a delicious cappuccino while they painstakingly searched Rome for a cane. Later in the day, we took a short walk to a lovely historic restaurant and had a fun evening. I felt much better. On the third morning, I stayed at the Airbnb to rest my ankle, and that evening we attended our after-hours tour of the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel. It was a lot of walking and a ton of stairs, but I had a cane and a lot of determination, so I did it, and it was spectacular. A stoic guard even took mercy on me and invited us to ride in a secret elevator!

I continued to motivate myself by adjusting any negative thoughts to a positive mindset and spent my final two days in Italy seeing the sites. I walked miles a day on a badly sprained ankle and crooked cobblestone. It was slow but sure, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Having tools, creating processes, and fine-tuning your mindset can help you through a challenging setback. You don't have to be a Lemon standprofessional coach to shape your negative thoughts into a positive vision and a plan to fit any situation. Use the following list as a guide to turn those sour lemons into delicious lemonade. (Oh, Italy has the best lemons, especially in Sorrento!)

  • Be kind to yourself and avoid condemning your actions and choices.
  • Acknowledge your feelings instead of pushing them down.
  • Ask yourself questions like the ones I mentioned in this article.
  • Pay attention when you're projecting or catastrophizing. Bring your thoughts back to reality.
  • Figure out a plan to make the best of what you've got and to give yourself something to look forward to.
  • Use this article as a template you can customize to your needs!

Two weeks after returning home, I don't reflect on a trip ruined by a sprained ankle. I look back at a dream come true and the beauty and richness of Italy. I remember being on the Mediterranean and dining in family-owned restaurants with a plate of homemade pasta and freshly caught shellfish. I think of the memories we created and spending precious time with two people I love. The ankle incident proved my strength and my family member's patience and kindness.

Do I wish the fall had never happened? Of course, I do; the darn ankle still stings, but I also feel proud of the coping mechanisms I put to work. The beautiful memories will far outlast the discomfort and inconvenience of what could have been a far worse incident. And, as my brother says, now I have a story to tell!

The post Here’s How I Just Changed a Shocking Experience to a Manageable Setback appeared first on Marla Tabaka.

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